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Behind The Donnell Flute Studio

This Flute Studio is a thriving community of flutists ranging from all ages and levels! Whether you have never picked up a flute, or you have been playing for over 15 years, I make sure to shape your curriculum around your individual needs.

Some of the students prepare for professional auditions, flute competitions, and universities, while other students prepare for performances at nursing homes, hospitals, and other local areas in the community. Each individual is guided to being compassionate and accepting toward one another. This is a crucial element when creating a safe, nurturing environment and building a supportive community.

The Donnell Studio holds a recital at the end of each semester, one in May, one in July, and the other in December, so students can celebrate their flute progress with friends and family! Performance locations range from recital halls, nursing homes, children's hospitals, parks, and other local venues.

2016 Flute Studio in Texas
Flute Studio: Bio

Teaching Philosophy

Known for my enthusiasm and passion for teaching, my purpose is to equip students with the resources and necessary skills to become their own, independent teachers. These skills include critical thinking skills, increasing self-awareness, auditory skills, problem-solving skills, and learning how to extrapolate teaching concepts of good, habitual flute playing into their future playing.

Whether you want to learn flute as a hobby or as a main career, the journey that we partake in lessons allows you to succeed in all your personal flute goals and musical aspirations! In my experience, I find that being a part of music, this thing that is so much greater than ourselves gives us a sense of purpose and belonging in this world.

I will create a safe learning environment for you, develop fundamental skills that make you a confident player, strengthen sight-reading skills, and explore musical styles through scales, etudes, and flute literature.

Flute Studio: Quote
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